Pdf Reader privacy policy

Table Of Contents

Privacy Policy

Information Collection

Information Sharing

  • In Terms of Business

  • In Terms of Specific Cases

Your Information's Security and Storage

Funding Choices

Additional Privacy Information for EEA Residents 

Additional Privacy Information for California Residents

GDPR Rights

Cross-Border Transfer of Information

Changes To This Privacy Statement

  1. Privacy Policy

This policy is aimed at informing users of our privacy policies. It elaborates on the important details as the information, collection, usage, storage, and disclosure to third parties. We would advise you to read the policy to stay informed. If you use our services then you agree to our privacy policy. 

This policy is in respect to our app “Qibla Direction”.


  1. Information Collection

Upon signing in to our app, we collect the following user details. 

  • Name

  • Email Address

  • Postal Code

Other than these details, there are other reasons for data collection. The means through which data is collected and the purpose or reason behind it are mentioned as under.

2.1. Collection of Information to Update Services

We collect users’ data to stay informed regarding any app crashes or bugs. For this purpose, we collect ‘Log Data’ that allows us to examine the crashes and errors faced by our users in their apps. This is done to ensure the app’s streamlined workflow and to understand if the app requires any customization or update. This is done to keep it in line with the customer’s choice. 

Collection of Log Data

The ‘Log Data’ consists of the following:

  • IP Address 

  • Browser type 

  • Operating system 

  • The pages or features of our services that the user accessed, and the time spent on those pages or feature

  • Search keywords

  • Links to our services

Collection of Cookies

Cookies referred to as small data files are often used as anonymous unique identifiers. These data files are stored in your phone’s internal memory.

Our app does not use cookies. However, third parties might make use of cookies to improve their services. 

Collection of Data from Mobile Devices

Similarly, to ensure error-free services we collect the following information from the mobile devices. 

  • Device identifier

  • The number of your devices

  • Type of connection you use to connect to the Service

  • User Settings

  • Device Storage

  • Android ID

  • Mobile Advertising Identifier

  • Android Advertising IDs

  • HDID

  • The operating system of your devices

  • Data about your use of our services

Our third-party service providers keep track of your location in order to access and provide you with more customized services.

To make our services more convenient for you, we may link your subscription information to data we gather from our partners or third parties (such as Google Analytics, Firebase, Facebook Analytics, Flurry, and so on). This is done in order to obtain a better knowledge of your requirements and provide you with better service.

  1. Information Sharing

You must note that we hold our users’ data in high regard and only share it with third parties only when it is absolutely necessary. We share your information with the following third parties:

  • Advertisement Providers

  • Service Providers

  • Software Development Kit Providers

It is done to ensure that the greatest services are offered to the users. In the event of any crashes or issues, we can diagnose the issue and then update the app to ensure that our users do not have to compromise on quality.

3.1. In Terms of Business

In case our app enters a new business agreement with a new company or in case of a merger or acquisition, we may share your data with a third party. Rest assured, our users’ data is our most valuable asset and we try our best to protect it.

3.2. In Terms of Specific Cases

The data we share with third parties is aimed at providing better services. However, in the event of the following cases, we might share your data:

  • If the law requires you to abide by the legal practices

  • If we have to protect your safety and rights

  • If there has been a fraud

  • If plagiarism has been committed

  1. Your Information's Security and Storage

We make every effort to keep your information secure. To do so, we encrypt your data to keep it safe. Your data or information is only shared with those members of our team who require it to perform their duties. Anyone who comes into contact with your data is bound by the agreement's confidentiality obligations.

  1. Funding Choices

We act in complete transparency, therefore, we require user consent and engagement to better tailor our services. We employ the use of the Funding Choices platform to aid communication and receive user consent. This platform helps us in understanding user choices and the identification of people who block ads. This enables us to ask them politely to reconsider their decision. This information is also kept secure and private to protect our user’s privacy. 

  1. Rights to Privacy

We respect our user’s privacy. Hence, we acknowledge the following rights and ensure their provision. 

  • If you want to edit, access, remove, or update your personal data, you can do so at any time by sending us an email at __________________.

  • In case of being a European Union resident, you can inform us regarding, any objection to data procession, data portability, and restriction towards your data procession.

  • You have the right to opt out of communication.

  • Our users have the right to not be a part of automated processions. 

  • Users are also enabled to withdraw their consent at any given time. 

You can exercise all of these aforementioned rights by emailing us at suffiapps@gmail.com.

  1. Additional Privacy Information for EEA Residents 

Residents of the European Economic Area (EEA) should be aware of additional privacy information.

As required by EU privacy legislation, particularly the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), we give additional information to European Economic Area (EEA) citizens in this section.

(1) Legal Basis for Data Processing

If one of the following applies, we will handle the information:

A. Required for the execution of any contract(s) with you (Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR). This relates to section 5(1), which requires troubleshooting, configuring, identifying, and supporting services.

B. Necessary for our legitimate purposes, which are not outweighed by your interests or basic rights and freedoms (GDPR Article 6(1)(f)). This applies to section 5(2), which aims to improve and develop our services, as well as section 5(3), which aims to safeguard security and combat criminal conduct.

C. Necessary to comply with a legal duty to which we are subject (GDPR Article 6(1)(c). To comply with our legal requirements, this applies to section 5(4).

D. Processed with your consent (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR) in limited circumstances and to the extent, the legal basis for processing set out above does not apply. This applies to sections 5(5) and 5(6), which deal with providing and improving Ad Services and communicating with you.

  1. Additional Privacy Information for California Residents

As required by California privacy laws, including the California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA"), we give additional information to California residents in this section. This clause does not apply to publicly available information, de-identified information, aggregate consumer information, or other personal information that is exempt under the CCPA (such as information covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).

While how we collect, use, and disclose personal information varies depending on our relationship and interactions with you, in this section we describe how we can collect personal information about California residents, as well as the rights California residents have under the CCPA.

8.1. CCPA Rights

Residents of California have the following rights when it comes to their personal information:

Do-not-sell (opt-out): to prevent us from selling their personal information, including those we know are under the age of 16.

Right to be forgotten: to request that personal information about them that we have acquired be deleted, subject to certain exceptions. When we receive your request and confirm your identification, we'll look over it to see if there's an exception that allows us to keep the information.

Right to know: to require that we disclose the following to them (up to twice per year and subject to certain exceptions) regarding the personal information we have collected about them in the last 12 months:

A. types of personally identifiable information gathered

B. sources of personal data in different categories

C. types of personal information about them that we have shared or sold for business purposes

D. categories of third parties to whom we have sold or shared personal information for a business purpose

E. the objective of gathering or selling their personal information for business or commercial purposes

F. a copy of the specific personal information about them that we have gathered

Nondiscrimination right: the right not to be treated unfairly because they are exercising their rights under the CCPA.

Submitting CCPA Requests

California residents can send CCPA requests to suffiapps@gmail.com to exercise their "Right to know (access)" and "Right of deletion." 

GDPR Rights

Residents of the European Economic Area (EEA) have the following rights in relation to their personal data:

(A). Right to Objection 

You have the right to object to your data being processed. If you object, we will no longer process your information unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for processing that outweigh your interests, rights, and freedoms, or the processing is necessary for us to assert, exercise, or defend legal claims.

(B). Right to Data Processing Restrictions

You have the right to request that we only treat your information in a limited way if the following conditions are met:

  • Your information's accuracy is under question;

  • Under the circumstances of a legitimate right of erasure, you request limited processing rather than deletion.

  • The information is no longer required for our purposes, but you require it to assert, exercise, or defend legal claims; or

  • An objection's success is still debatable.

(C). Data portability is a legal right 

You have the right to receive information about you from us in a structured, frequently used, and machine-readable manner, as well as the right to request that we send this information to another controller under the following conditions:

  • The processing is based on consent or a contract, or it is based on both.

  • The processing is done with the help of computers.

  1. Cross-Border Transfer of Information

If you live in the European Economic Area, please be informed that we may send your personal information to regions outside the EEA in order to provide the services (e.g., USA). Although regions outside the EEA may not provide an adequate level of protection for your personal data, we have implemented sufficient measures to ensure that your data is protected in accordance with this Privacy Policy. The fundamental safeguard we rely on is the European Commission-approved standard contractual data protection clauses.

  1. Changes To This Privacy Statement

From time to time, we may make changes to our Privacy Policy. As a result, you should check this page for updates on a regular basis. Any changes will be communicated to you by posting the revised Privacy Policy on this page.

This policy is effective as of ______________.

  1. Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at suffiapps@gmail.com
